S01 - High-harmonic spectroscopy of molecular films
Project description
In project S01, we will perform high-harmonic spectroscopy on organic molecular crystals. Molecular crystals bridge the gap between individual molecules with well separated states and bulk crystals with a band structure. This is because organic crystals feature electronic couplings of intermediate strength between the molecules. We will address the questions how the electronic and geometric structure of the molecular crystals affect the harmonic emission and which polarization properties result for the emitted harmonics.
- Quantitative prediction of excited-state decay rates for radical anion photocatalysts
L.D. Mena, J.L. Borioni, S. Caby, P. Enders, M.A.A. Cordero, F. Fennel, R. Francke, S. Lochbrunner and J.I. Bardagi
Chem. Commun. 59(64), 9726-9729 (2023)
- Formation of the solid-state high-order harmonic generation plateau through destructive interference
L. Bielke, H. Jürß, V. Burgtorf and D. Bauer
Phys. Rev. A 107(3), 033111 (2023)
- The N-shaped partition method: A novel parallel implementation of the Crank Nicolson algorithm
Y. Lutsyshyn, F. Navarrete and D. Bauer
Comput. Phys. Commun. 287, 108713 (2023)
(also available on arXiv)
- Benzothiazol picolin/isonicotinamides molecular switches: expectations and reality
A. Georgiev, V. Deneva, D. Yordanov, T. Völzer, S. Wolter, F. Fennel, S. Lochbrunner and L. Antonov
J. Mol. Liq. 356, 118968 (2022)
- News & Views: Optically sensing topological phase transitions
D. Bauer
Nat. Photon. 16(9), 614-615 (2022)
- Topological edge-state contributions to high-order harmonic generation in finite flakes
H. Jürß and D. Bauer
Phys. Rev. B 106(5), 054303 (2022)
- News & Views: Intense light drives band closure
D. Bauer
Nat. Photon. 16(6), 406-407 (2022)
Project leaders
Dr. Franziska Fennel
Phone: +49 (0)381 498 6963
Email: franziska.fenneluni-rostockde
Prof. Dieter Bauer
Phone: +49 (0)381 498 6940
Email: dieter.baueruni-rostockde
University of Rostock
Institute of Physics
Albert-Einstein-Str. 23
18059 Rostock