The first summer school of the SFB LiMatI took place at the Institute of Physics of the University of Rostock in the period 12.09.2022 - 14.09.2022.
In the offered lectures and hands-on tutorials, especially interested master students, PhD students and PostDocs could learn basic skills for research in SFB LiMatI (from exfoliation of 2D materials to numerically solving Maxwell's equations) and present their own research results during the poster session.
We thank all visitors for their participation!
Group Photo
CRC 1477 LiMatI
University of Rostock
Albert-Einstein-Str. 23
18059 Rostock
Mail: limatiuni-rostockde
Prof. Dr. Dieter Bauer
Mail: dieter.baueruni-rostockde
Phone.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 6941
Fax.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 6942
Dr. Margit Schwartz
Mail: margit.schwartzuni-rostockde
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 6774